Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Weirdo Magnet

You now how there are those rare occasions when some line of a movie or some lyrics of a song or a passage from a book strikes a chord with you? For me it was when Max Bialystock (in The Producers) played by the fabulous Nathan Lane traumatized by seeing the seemingly normal Leo Bloom (Matthew Broderick) pulling out his blanket and curling up on the floor into a fetal position; raises his hand, looks heavenwards and questions in despair-
"They come here. They all come here. How do they find me?"
I see weird people. Literally!
The propensity of strange characters who unerringly seem to find me and then much to my horror proceed to have long drawn out conversations, has led me to believe that I am some sort of a Weirdo Magnet. Snake eyes, the Russian, the reformed dope head who sees angels and demons and wants to be a teacher, the balding salsa dancing desi, the Amway (or something similar) guy, are all but few of the plethora of strange beings I have so far encountered.

However this post is not about any one particular person but about a strange affliction some of them seem to have, VD. No not THAT VD but…you know… Verbal Diarrhea? The UrbanDictionary has several interesting definitions, but I would like to define it as a person whom I have never met previously, opens his or her mouth to say Hi and ends up spewing everything I never needed to know about that person.

No seriously, just the other day I happened to meet a really nice, normal, good looking, middle aged lady. But by the time I said goodbye to her (like in 5 minutes), I knew her father was a manic depressant, she may be bipolar, her brother living in Canada is married to an Indian, she (my weirdo not her sister-in-law) suffers from shingles, her mother was a saint, she has a step daughter and she is worried that she married a man just like her father!

I mean come on give me a break….all I said was HELLO!!!


Priya said...

Haha! Tell me about it!

cribbycrab said...

I know that you have stories of your own to share lol..